Thinking Out Loud

What Are You Bad At?

Imagine taking a leadership position and immediately announcing your weaknesses—as well as your strengths—to your team. Would that be unsettling to the team? Not necessarily.  Read More

Pause Button

Even though modern brain science has helped us get beyond thinking of ours in mechanical terms, I sometimes refer to our brains as meaning making machines. That’s because it is so automatic when we try to understand, we give some kind of meaning to what we perceive/hear/feel.  But giving meaning without enough information risks getting it wrong and that’s when we need a pause button.  Read More

Personal Branding

I’ll be presenting a workshop with my colleague and friend, Denise Martin, on Friday, July 17th, at the Association for Consulting Expertise in Portland, Maine.

The focus is on personal branding, not only what we project to the outside world, but our internal relationship to our brand.  To learn more about ACE or the workshop, click here.

Acceptance and Paradox

Ancient and modern teachings about life and humanity emphasize acceptance as something to (continually) strive for. Acceptance is a broad topic, and here I am talking about self-acceptance, accepting others as they are, and accepting the unexpected because we can’t predict the future. Of course all of these are a part of being present in the moment—something else we strive for.  Read More