Thinking Out Loud

Company Culture:  An “Anthropological” Discovery Process

Company culture drives productivity as it draws and repels talent. It is more than slogans. A culture is organic about how it develops; you can’t invent it just because you want it to be a certain way. There has to be congruity between what you say about it and how it really is, and that is all about trust and integrity.  Read More

Conversation: An Exercise in Creativity

Typically, we don’t think of conversation as a creative activity, but it is. Consider these dictionary definitions:

Conversation is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people. Typically it occurs in spoken communication.

Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a literary work or a painting). Read More

Podcast Interview

I had the pleasure of recording a podcast with Kym Dakin of Voice Into Learning, LLC in July.  She interviewed me about my book on communication styles and how I apply my approach in consulting with businesses and organizations.  Kym was great to talk with as a fellow communication professional.

The recording (click here) is posted on the Association for Consulting Expertise website, which features ACE members talking about their work.

One Small Adjustment–Big Impact

Sonja asked to be assigned to a project she was interested in—much of it involved ways to use her particular organizational and people skills. Steve, managing the project, was delighted to have her and briefed her on where they were in the process and what they needed her to do.

Steve’s supervisor Tara was coordinating the project on a larger scale within the organization, and within a couple of weeks, she noticed Steve’s frustration with Sonja when Steve presented a periodic update. Read More